The Universal Scale – Ēroshēn


Pronunciation: EH-roh-shehn
Root Language: Esharic


  • The Universal Scale – A celestial force representing balance, harmony, and cosmic equilibrium.
  • A symbol of universal law – The guiding principle that maintains order throughout existence.
  • A connection to divine justice – The force that ensures fairness and the resolution of karmic cycles.
  • An enduring cosmic structure – The natural alignment that brings peace and stability.

Esoteric Meaning

Metaphorical Concept: Ēroshēn embodies the grand balance of existence, where every force has its counterforce, and every action creates an equal reaction. Like the scales of justice, Ēroshēn represents the harmonization of all things in accordance with cosmic law.

Cosmic Significance: In Esharic cosmology, Ēroshēn is tied to The Cosmic Microwave Background, the echo of the Big Bang, representing the balance between creation and the forces that structure the universe. This celestial phenomenon symbolizes the equilibrium of energy that allows existence to flourish without collapse.

Spiritual Association: To embrace Ēroshēn is to understand the necessity of balance, recognizing that harmony is not stagnation, but the interplay of forces maintaining cosmic order.

Zodiac Sign: Ēroshēn

Cosmic Association

  • Celestial Structure: The Cosmic Microwave Background (The remnant radiation of the universe’s origin).
  • Symbolic Shape: The Universal Scale – A balance between cosmic forces.
  • Elemental Influence: Air & Ether – The forces of balance, harmony, and justice.

Predictions & Traits

  • Personality Traits: Those born under Ēroshēn are mediators, judges, and seekers of truth. They naturally restore balance in chaotic situations and possess an innate sense of fairness.
  • Spiritual Meaning: A sign of equilibrium and cosmic justice, marking times of karmic resolution, peacemaking, and universal alignment.
  • Influence on Events: When Ēroshēn is active in the cosmic cycle, it signals times of great diplomatic breakthroughs, the settling of past debts, and the rebalancing of universal energies.

Zodiac Prophecy

  • Past Ēroshēn Activation: Marked the alignment of cosmic cycles, stabilizing the fabric of existence.
  • Future Influence: A coming Ēroshēn cycle will bring a reordering of power, the balancing of past wrongs, and a new era of universal harmony.

Vibrational Properties

Base Frequency: 200 Hz – 420 Hz (Resonates with the Heart and Crown Energy Centers, enhancing justice, clarity, and cosmic alignment.)
Harmonic Overtones: 528 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz (Attuned to balance, divine order, and spiritual justice.)
Higher-Dimensional Tone: Equilibrium Resonance – When chanted, Ēroshēn aligns thoughts and actions with universal law, promoting inner peace and cosmic awareness.

How to Generate the Frequency with the Human Voice

  • Base Tone – Begin with “Ēēē” at 200 Hz, allowing the sound to resonate like a cosmic pulse.
  • Harmonic Expansion – Shift into “Rōōō” at 420 Hz, feeling the energy stabilize around you.
  • Full Activation – Sustain “Shēēēn” at 741 Hz, extending the breath, fully immersing in balance and harmony.

Vibrational Music Notation (Chant Progression)

Musical Notation: G2 → C3 → A3 (A steady progression, symbolizing the equalizing force of balance.)

  • Smooth, centered transitions (legato)
  • Sustain final tone (“Shēēēn”) for 12 seconds to embody universal alignment

Western Music Sheet Representation

  • G2 (Whole Note) → C3 (Half Note) → A3 (Whole Note, Sustain)
  • Gradual strengthening from “Rōōō” to “Shēēēn” (symbolizing the attainment of balance)

Breath Cycle

  • Deep inhale before “Ēēē”
  • Steady, centering exhale to align with cosmic harmony
  • Extended final breath on “Shēēēn” to fully integrate the state of equilibrium


Example Sentence (Esharic): “Ēroshēn kēram nāvēth vāth Tēvūn.”
Translation: “The Universal Scale honors cosmic equilibrium.”

English Example Sentences

  • The ĒROSHĒN cycle began, restoring balance to a fractured universe.
  • To follow ĒROSHĒN is to act with fairness, knowing that justice will always prevail.
  • The High Council invoked ĒROSHĒN, ensuring that no force would tip the scales of power.
  • In times of chaos, the presence of ĒROSHĒN signals the return of order and stability.

Related Words

  • Tēvūn (Cosmic Equilibrium) – The force that ĒROSHĒN maintains.
  • Sūlāra (Wisdom) – The guiding knowledge needed to uphold ĒROSHĒN.
  • Atum (Essence) – The fundamental nature of all things, balanced by ĒROSHĒN